7 Steps To Healthy, Longer Natural Hair:

Hey natural girl!

Grow the hair of your dreams without spending hundreds of dollars on products or hours on Youtube

Let me first tell you why I created this masterclass. After years of being a hairstylist, one of the things I kept noticing was that new clients all had the same complaints about their natural hair: They complained of:

hair breakage
hair that was hard to the touch
hair that was brittle
hair that was dry
hair that didn't grow
hair that was dull - had no shine
hair that they didn't like
using too many products that didn't work-becoming product junkies
wasting hundreds of hours on YouTube

They all had similarities. Essentially, they didn't know how to take care of their natural hair - how to get it to fluorish. They all hated their hair!

Can you imagine that? Finally going natural and realizing that you didn't like your natural hair? Oh, it bothered me so much! I was so hurt for them!

I would spend a huge percentage of my time with them convincing them that their natural hair was beautiful but that they just weren't tapping into its potential because of lack of proper care.

I could tell they did not believe me. They all looked at me like, "You are a natural hair stylist. Of course, you like this kinky mess, and you think it is beautiful!"

Yes, I think kinky hair is absolutely gorgeous- the kinkier, the better- the tighter the coils, the better!

But my clients didn't share my same love and enthusiasm for their natural hair, that is, until they started seeing the change in their hair after a few weeks of using my services.

It never fails; after about 6-8 weeks of regular salon visits, they all start slowly changing their tune.

See, I had been using my system on their hair, and they had started seeing some results!

Along my journey as a hair stylist, I realized that many of those new clients and natural girls, in general, didn't have a hair regimen or even any idea how to create a hair routine. I knew that a lot of natural girls had no idea where to even start with the process of growing healthy hair.

The barrier that prevented Black girls from loving our natural hair wasn't that our hair was UNDESIRABLE. It was that we had been conditioned to think that our hair was undesirable and we believed it.

It occured to me that there was a second barrier: lack of natural hair care knowledge.

We hadn't the slightest clue what to do with our hair! You can't love what you don't understand!

They started saying I had "growing hands!"

That is a huge compliment to a hair stylist, but it made me nervous. I was like, "That's way too much pressure!" Then, I leaned into it and started accepting this enormous honor.

I knew that my approach to hairstyling was different than a lot of stylists. I actually have a "healthy hair first" mentality.
I believe that you should never sacrifice the integrity of your hair for a style. I wasn't afraid of telling clients "no" when I knew that the style would either damage their hair or that their hair was too weak handle it.

I had spent hundreds of hours studying to become a Healthy Hair Specialist.

I learnt about the science of hair, curly hair in particular, and applied the principles to my practice as a natural hair stylist.
The results were amazing, client after client!
I was on to something: Natural hair is not difficult or a "struggle."

It just needs tender loving care and a consistent system of hair care.
So after many years of helping one client at a time from behind the chair, I decided to create a simplified system for natural hair care. It was physically impossible for me to be the hair stylist to all of my natural haired sisters out there, but I could make the system available to them.
This masterclass is just for you, natural girl, because I know that you have no idea how to keep your hair healthy. You are tired of throwing darts in the dark and hoping to find something that’ll work for your hair.

It's time to take control and start cultivating healthy, longer hair. Are you stuck on product selection? Or how to put it all together? This Masterclass was created just for you!


Your hair is dry and unmanageable.
Your hair does not retain moisture.
It feels brittle.
You are experiencing hair breakage.
Your styles do not hold their definition for long.
You are experiencing damage from "protective styles."
You are transitioning to natural hair and have no idea where to start.

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    Meet your instructor and personal Healthy Hair Specialist

    Hi, I am Itohan and the ceo of Nubian Natural Hair Gallery.

    What's Included:

    Four(4) Instructional Video Modules delivered to your inbox immediately!

    Module 1: The Science of Hair

    Module 2: Moisturizing and Hydration

    Module 3: Creating a Healthy Hair Regimen

    Module 4: Demonstration and Products & Tools

    Nubian Natural Hair Gallery presents: Digital Natural Hair Care Education

    Nubian Natural Hair Gallery offers an online platform for natural hair education, and we've helped thousands of clients.
    Most of my clients come to me due to the same frustrations you probably have with your natural hair.

    Over the course of the four modules, you will receive instructional content that is intended to help you take control of your hair game..

    Each module will teach you one skill set at a time so you are able to cultivate the hair of your dreams...

    You will learn how to create a hair regimen based on the current condition and needs of your hair...

    Learn what to do to your hair daily, weekly, and monthly to keep it healthy.

    You will learn how to train your hair into retaining moisture and banish dry hair for good.
    I will show you exactly what to do and how to create the best hair regimen for your hair type.

    Before I started working with you, my hair was breaking badly. Now, it holds moisture better and I am liking my hair! I like how it feels! Thank you so much! Sheila A.
    My hair was so soft and my afro was so pretty! Even months after, my hair is still thriving and not breaking. I used to have bad breakage. It still bounces back the same way and what I really appreciated was that the hair breakage has stopped. Thank you! Gail C.
    I reached out to Itohan because I didn't know what was going on with my hair, and I didn't know if my hair was breaking or if I was losing my hair. When I combed my hair, a lot of it was breaking off in the comb. My hair was thin, dry and brittle.
    It appeared that Itohan knew what she was talking about. She put me on a hair regimen. The hair regimen was easy after I understood the products and techniques. Within a few weeks, I started seeing some improvements! My hair felt better,. it wasn't coming out as much and my barber even noticed the difference and was impressed.
    Now, my hair feels moisturized and it looks fuller and much healthier. No more breakage for me. It is no longer dry and holds moisture well. I can finally say that I have healthy hair...
    The hair regimen works! Take the time to read the book.
    It is worth a consult even if you're hesitant because there is a vast array of knowledge in Itohan and she is willing to pass it on. I understand my hair much better. Thank you, Itohan! K. Richard